Upgrade tricks Archer Barbarian King and Queen Effective
Already Heroes whatever level you have today?
Perhaps you do not realize that the power of the Iron Fist of the
Barbarian King and Queen Royal Cloak of the Archer feels great effect
once every 5 levels!

Upgrade Heroes, Archer Barbarian King and Queen, is the important thing when you have so far played Clash of Clans. Especially if you've stepped on Town Hall level 8, 9, and especially 10, you would have felt the efficacy of this led forces.
You definitely will realize quickly that Heroes on the one hand will
make the army attack becomes much more powerful, and on the other side
will make your attacks feel very weak without him.
As with other good forces and Dark Barrack Barrack, you also need to
upgrade Archer Barbarian King and Queen in order to optimize the
strength of each. But the difference, the two Heroes will not you can use either to fight or to survive when they are upgraded. Well on this occasion I will share tips and tricks on how to upgrade Archer Barbarian King and Queen in the most effective way.

Clasher many who wonder because of doubts when I want to start
upgrading Heroes, whether we should keep the upgrade in order to turn
Archer Barbarian King and Queen at the same level, or better-focused
upgrade on the first Hero. It is quite confusing. To fix this, you can follow the simple rules below.
Stages 5 levels
The answer of the above question is that you should keep the order of
each Heroes upgraded so that they remain at the same level. Why is that? Here are a few reasons that will become a tactic that is also beneficial to you:
1. You will always have one active Hero, so you can participate in Clan War;
2. Forces attacked and bertahanmu will not be as weak as one of the main of the Heroes you is lagging level.
Always remember to focus on the stages of 5 levels
for each will increase the skill Iron Fist belongs Barbarian King and
Royal Cloak belonging to Archer Queen which would greatly strengthen the
performance of both.
Here's a graph showing the differences in the damage resulting from the
DPS (regular attack) with DPS + Iron Fist (skill Barbarian King):

As we can see that the stage of 5 levels have more effective results than the progress from one level to the next level 1.
For example, suppose Archer Queen you've reached level 8 and Barbarian
King you level 9, rather than upgrade Archer Queen in order to reach the
same level, the better you upgrade Barbarian King first reach level 10
in order that he get an increase DPS + Iron Fist much greater
usefulness. After the Barbarian King upgraded, then chased Queen Archer level in order to reach level 10 as well, and so on.
Heroes replacement troops
As I have said before, the worst thing when it is the process of
upgrading Heroes is that you will not be able to include it up to her
after the upgrade process. To replace him, I can advise you to replace the Barbarian King with Pekka and Archer with Dragon Queen.
The reason is simple, because PEKKA and Dragon has AI system that is
almost the same with both the Heroes and their status is quite
reasonable when juxtaposed with Heroes.
But basically Archer Barbarian King and Queen can not irreplaceable position, you can only have a substitute. So, do not upgrade both your Heroes at the same time yes!
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