Skeleton Trap

Skeleton Trap
"Ambush and distract unsuspecting foes with a surprise skirmish of short-lived, but sneaky skeleton troops! Skeleton Traps can be configured to pursue ground or air troops."

Skeleton Trap 1-Ground Skeleton Trap 3-Ground
Level 1 & 2 Level 3

  • Summary
    • Skeleton Traps are structures that remain hidden until they are activated by an attacking troop moving into their trigger radius.
    • Once triggered, the coffin rises from the ground and multiple Skeletons appear in the area around the coffin to attack nearby troops depending on whether it is set for ground or air troops. You can see the difference above using the Toggle Mode feature.
    • They can be configured to attack either ground troops or air troops.
    • They will remain invisible if set to ground and an air troop passes over (and vice versa).
    • The number of Skeletons released depends on the level of the Skeleton Trap.
    • The Skeletons released have a small skull icon next to them to signify they came from a Skeleton Trap (as opposed to being summoned by a Witch), similar to the icon displayed next to Clan Castle troops. The reason behind this is because they play an equal role to the Skeletons summoned by a defending Witch in the Clan Castle.
    • The Skeletons from the trap have exactly the same stats as the Skeletons summoned by the Witch.
    • Skeleton Traps set to defend against air troops have wings instead of a skull on the face of the coffin. Skeletons that arise from being triggered while set to defend against air troops float through the air with the aid of two small red balloons, the same balloons as those on the Air Bomb.
    • Skeleton Traps were added in the 2014 October 22 Halloween update, but are a permanent addition that will remain available after the holiday has passed, unlike in previous years.

  • Upgrade Differences
    • Initially, Skeleton Traps are a light shade of brown and have a skull or a batlike figure on the face of the coffin. It is boarded up, indicating that the skeletons were possibly once people.
    • At level 3, the Skeleton Trap is a darker shade of brown and has five brass studs on the face of the coffin. A short, dark brown board connects the coffin together at the top.

  • Trivia
    • After deploying, the coffin quickly disappears. Scorch marks on the ground where the Skeletons clawed up through the ground disappear a short time later.
    • Skeleton traps are currently the only traps that can target ground or air troops.
    • Skeletons deployed appear to be identical to the Skeletons the Witch summons, except when they are in Air Mode, which gives them 2 balloons attached to their necks.
    • You can tell if they are the Skeleton Trap's Skeletons because they have a skull next to their health bar, and unlike the Skeletons summoned by the Witch, their health bar is permanent.

Icon Descriptions
Icon InfoTapping this icon displays information about the Skeleton Trap, such as Level, Re-arm cost, Damage Type, Favorite Target and Targets.
Icon UpgradeTapping this icon begins upgrading the Skeleton Trap to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the Skeleton Trap is at maximum level, this icon is not shown.
Icon FinishNowTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems.
Icon CancelTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost.
Icon GroundTapping this icon switches the Skeleton Trap attack mode to attack air units. This icon is only displayed while the Skeleton Trap is in Ground mode.
AiriconTapping this icon switches the Skeleton Trap attack mode to attack ground units. This icon is only displayed while the Skeleton Trap is in Air mode.
Icon ReArmTapping this icon re-arms the Skeleton Trap. This icon is only displayed after your Skeleton Trap has been triggered during an enemy attack.
Icon ReArmAllTapping this icon re-arms all Traps. This icon is only displayed when one or more of your Traps have been triggered in a previous enemy attack.
Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3
Level Spawned Units Cost Gold Re-Arm Cost Gold Build Time Experience Gained XP Town Hall Level Required
1 2 6,000 3,000 N/A 0 8
2 3 600,000 4,000 6 hours 146 8
3 4 1,300,000 5,000 1 day 293 9
Trigger Radius Unit Type Targeted Favorite Target
5 tiles Ground None
5 tiles Air None

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