Air Bomb

Air Bomb info
"Latest invention in the field of flying pest control. This trap can blast multiple air units in a small area."

Level 1 & 2 Level 3 & 4

  • Summary
    • Explodes when a flying troop comes into proximity. Essentially an airborne version of the normal Bomb, though the trigger radius and blast radius of the Air Bomb is much greater.
    • Extremely effective against large groups of Minions, and does a significant amount of damage to Balloons (especially level 3 and below). It's much less effective against higher health targets such as Dragons.
    • Once activated, traps must be re-armed in order to be a part of the next defensive Layout.

  • Defensive Strategy
    • Like the Seeking Air Mine, placing an Air Bomb next to the Air Defense can turn out pretty deadly. After a Ground Troop destroys the Air Defense, the enemy might deploy all of his or her powerful Air Units at once, and the Air Bomb might be able to take down one or two, or if you are lucky, most or all of them.

  • Offensive Strategy
    • If you want your aerial troops to be safe from Air Bombs, have the weakest aerial troops available while raiding and deploy them in the specific area where an Air Bomb may be. This will trick the Air Bombs into attacking them, letting your other aerial troops become safer.

  • Upgrade Differences
    • The Air Bomb goes through significant visual changes at Level 3.
      • When initially constructed, the Air Bomb is a barrel under a trap door with two red balloons attached to it. The balloons have white skulls painted on them.
      • At level 3 the Air Bomb has spikes on its surface and can be seen more easily within its compartment, and the compartment opens up slightly.

  • Trivia
    • It is possible for a Minion to outrun an Air Bomb if one is set off while the Minion is moving to another target. The bomb would then be led astray and eventually blow up on its own.
    • The BombSpring TrapGiant Bomb, Seeking Air Mine and the Air Bomb produce the same sound when tapped or selected.

Icon Descriptions
Icon InfoTapping this icon displays information about the Air Bomb, such as Level, Re-arm cost, Damage Type, Favorite Target and Targets.
Icon UpgradeTapping this icon begins upgrading the Air Bomb to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the Air Bomb is at maximum level, this icon is not shown.
Icon FinishNowTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems.
Icon CancelTapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost.
Icon ReArmTapping this icon re-arms the Air Bomb. This icon is only displayed after your Air Bomb has been triggered during an enemy attack.
Icon ReArmAllTapping this icon re-arms all Traps. This icon is only displayed when one or more of your Traps have been triggered in a previous enemy attack.
Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Number Available 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 4 5 5
Level Damage Cost Gold Re-Arm Cost Gold Build Time Experience Gained XP Town Hall Level Required
1 100 4,000 N/A 0 5
2 120 20,000 600 4 hours 120 5
3 144 200,000 800 12 hours 207 7
4 173 1,500,000 1,000 1 day 293 9
Trigger Radius Damage Radius Damage Type Unit Type Targeted Favorite Target
5 tiles 3 tiles Area Splash Air None

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