Clan Wars FAQ


New concept when talking about Clan Wars: WAR BASE means your home on war map. The war base is not the village. The war base is your home in the war map, and the village is your home in the normal game. For example, your village does not get locked during battle day, but your war base does. You do not donate troops to friendly villages during preparation day, you donate troops to friendly war bases. You do not defeat enemy villages in war, but you do defeat enemy war bases, etc. etc.

Skeleton Trap

Skeleton Trap
"Ambush and distract unsuspecting foes with a surprise skirmish of short-lived, but sneaky skeleton troops! Skeleton Traps can be configured to pursue ground or air troops."

Seeking Air Mine

Seeking Air Mine info
"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Well it makes no difference as the Seeking Air Mine will blow it sky high. This trap does devastating damage to a single air unit."

Giant Bomb

Giant Bomb info

"When you're looking for a Big Boom, you need the Giant Bomb."

Air Bomb

Air Bomb info
"Latest invention in the field of flying pest control. This trap can blast multiple air units in a small area."

Spring Trap

Spring Trap info
"This bouncy little number will toss unwanted visitors right off your property!"


Bomb info
"Nothing says 'STAY OUT' quite like a good old-fashioned hidden bomb."
